Energy Category
NEPO is one of the largest energy buyers and providers of energy solutions to the public sector. NEPO has a dedicated Energy Team with a wealth of experience in providing energy related solutions. The flagship Electricity and Gas frameworks allow NEPO to use their considerable experience to purchase energy, via innovative fully flexible agreements, from the wholesale commodity market.
The NEPO Energy Category has a suite of energy solutions that are accessible by all UK contracting authorities. Each can be used independently or, when implemented together, provides a one-stop shop for provision of utilities and other ancillary energy services. All NEPO solutions have been procured in a Public Contract Regulation (PCR) compliant manner.
The framework agreements are flexible to meet the diverse needs of the public sector. NEPO was the first public sector organisation to purchase both electricity and gas using a fully flexible agreement. Innovation continues to be at the core of NEPO’s approach, this ensures our solutions evolve and deliver continuous improvement for our customers.
The Energy Team at NEPO are available to provide advice and guidance, including support with changing energy legislation and energy management considerations.
Check out what some of our Members have to say about our Energy and Water solutions:
Energy Frameworks
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Laura Kyle
Energy Lead
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