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The Procurement Act 2023

Public sector procurement has changed, but do not fear – NEPO is here to help navigate what the reforms mean for you!

Through the Procurement Act 2023 (PA23), the government is transforming how public procurement is done in the UK. The changes aim to help make better use of public resources to deliver better public services and grow the economy.

One in every three pounds of public money, some £300billion a year, is spent on public procurement. PA23 aims to shake up the outdated procurement system, so that every pound goes further for communities and public services.

But what does this mean for you and your organisation? We’ve pulled together useful information, training resources and links to help you better understand PA23.

We're here to help!

Whether you're a procurement professional or a supplier, we've got you covered! Find all the information around the Procurement Act 2023 below, including tips, events and training:

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