Hydrogen generation and infrastructure (DPS)
STATUS - Active
This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) has been procured by TPPL on behalf of The Highlands Council. NEPO members are able to utilise the solution via our strategic fleet partnership with TPPL.
The DPS provides UK contracting authorities with access to a range of market-leading suppliers of hydrogen generation and infrastructure, in addition to ongoing supply of hydrogen for the purpose of vehicle fuelling. The DPS also covers the supply of hydrogen for domestic and commercial services, in addition to electric vehicle charging infrastructure and the recycling and repurposing of electric vehicle batteries.
The DPS comprises five categories:
- Category 1: Hydrogen generation and fueling infrastructure (both permanent and temporary) to include but not limited to; complete mobile refueling vehicles and conversion to existing chassis, mini hydrogen dispensers, emergency back-up solutions, hydrogen generation, self-contained hydrogen refueling units, on-site stored hydrogen containers with and without compressors to regenerate hydrogen supply and facilities to utilise hydrogen production by-products, hydrogen refueling stations, and hydrogen production plants including regional hydrogen hubs. Infrastructure may be provided by suppliers on a ‘fully managed’ basis, i.e. the supplier provides the necessary infrastructure, production, storage, delivery, and supply on a full turnkey basis.
- Category 2: Ongoing supply of hydrogen to include but not limited to; grey, blue, and green hydrogen, and also hydrogen produced from nuclear (pink) sources. Hydrogen may be supplied using mobile refueling vehicles, refilling of on-site stored hydrogen containers, and charged supply of hydrogen to the end buying customer as a method of recovering the cost invested in the infrastructure.
- Category 3: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure for specialist and heavy goods vehicles, this may also include charging infrastructure for any other vehicle and body type required. Contracts may include site surveys, installation, ongoing support/maintenance (of the charging points and associated equipment), site safety works (e.g. markings, signage, equipment), technical consultancy/guidance, dynamic load management, provision of emergency back-up solutions, and behind the meter production and storage options. EV charging infrastructure may be provided by suppliers on a ‘fully managed’ basis, i.e. the supplier provides the necessary infrastructure on a full turnkey basis.
- Category 4: Recycling, and/or repurposing of electric vehicle batteries to include (but not limited to) all sizes and types of electric vehicle batteries. Recycling to include the disposal, disassembly, and recycling of precious metals, and other elements. Repurposing of batteries, to include any necessary refurbishment, for use in a variety of applications. Examples include energy storage (both domestic and commercial), mobile power units, storage to store energy at renewable production facilities (e.g. solar arrays), and emergency power storage (e.g. for use after natural disasters).
- Category 5: Ongoing supply of hydrogen to include but not limited to; grey, blue, and green hydrogen, hydrogen produced from nuclear (pink) sources, and hydrogen blended with natural gas. Hydrogen may be supplied into a closed/private network or grid, by using mobile refueling vehicles, refilling of on-site stored hydrogen containers, and by any other means appropriate. Category may also include supply and installation of necessary infrastructure required to facilitate the supply of hydrogen to the network/grid.
START DATE 08/09/2021
List of suppliers available on request (the solution is a DPS which means suppliers will be added throughout the five year duration)
AVAILABLE FOR USE BY All Associate Members/Member Authorities

Michelle Armstrong
Procurement Specialist - Fleet and Facilities Management
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